• What it is: Phishing is the broad term for any type of scam that uses fake emails, websites, or other online communications to trick you into giving out personal or financial information.
• How it works: Scammers might send an email pretending to be from a trusted organization, like your financial institution or an online retailer. The email often contains a link to a fake website that looks real, where you’re prompted to enter sensitive information (like passwords or credit card numbers).
• Key feature: It usually happens via email or fake websites.
• What it is: Smishing is a form of phishing that occurs via SMS (text) messages.
• How it works: Scammers send a text message that looks like it’s from a legitimate source, such as a financial institution or service provider, claiming there’s an issue with your account or that you need to click a link to verify information. The link may lead to a fake website where you’re asked to enter personal details, or it may install malware on your phone.
• Key feature: It specifically targets you via text messages.
• What it is: Vishing stands for voice phishing and happens over the phone.
• How it works: A scammer calls you and pretends to be from a trusted organization, such as a financial institution or government agency. They might claim there’s an urgent issue with your account or ask for personal information to “verify” your identity. Sometimes, they use a tactic called caller ID spoofing, which makes it look like the call is coming from a legitimate number.
• Key feature: It happens via phone calls and often involves urgency or threats to get you to act quickly.
In summary
• Phishing = Email-based scams.
• Smishing = SMS-based (text) scams.
• Vishing = Voice (phone call)-based scams.
All three share the same goal: to trick you into sharing personal information that can be used for identity theft, fraud, or other malicious purposes. Being aware of the different forms can help you spot the signs and protect yourself!