In December 2024, we began offering on-the-spot financing at auto dealerships throughout the St. Louis metro area, as well as other parts of the state and some neighboring states. This means you can apply for an auto loan with us directly at the dealership and finish your deal right there, without delays or hassles!
Think of it as your credit union now having 400 more loan offices to help you get behind the wheel of a new or used vehicle!
Rest assured, you’ll receive the same rate from us as if you applied in person at one of our branches or online. You can apply anytime when dealerships are open, including weekday evenings and Saturday afternoons when our branches are closed, and receive a quick loan decision.
Nearly every major automotive group in St. Louis participates in our lending program. Some small, independent car lots also are in our program.
When visiting a dealership to purchase a new or used vehicle, be sure to inform them that your credit union, Century, has joined Credit Union Lending Systems (CULS). Identify yourself as a Century member and insist on getting your financing through us.
Dealerships also have the ability to open an account for non-members who live or work in geographic areas served by the credit union — St. Louis County or City, Jefferson County, or Franklin County — and provide them with a great loan deal through Century.